2025 Lifeway Women

Win 2 Tickets to a 2025 Lifeway Women’s LIVE Experience!

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If you’ve peeked at my 101 in 1,001 Days Challenge, you know that the first 7 things on my list are set to help me grow in faith & my relationship with God. I have always believed that if you want to grow in anything – motherhood, as a wife, in your career field, in your hobby… you need to surround yourself with like minded people. Additionally, if you can include others that have experience – think seasoned mothers, wives that have been married for 25+ years, leaders in your industry… you will have a continuous “in” to always absorb knowledge and a support system to ask questions to those that have already been through where you are at.

Finding people at those seasoned levels can sometimes to be hard in your circle. Luckily, in my particular path of growing my relationship with God, there are amazing organizations, like Lifeway Women, that have a whole team of incredible leaders already in place!

I have always wanted to attend a Lifeway Women’s Event and if have you too then this is your chance to WIN an amazing trip experience!

Lifeway Women is giving away the following package for one lucky winner to attend a 2025 Lifeway Women’s Live Event:

  • 2 Tickets to any 2025 Lifeway Women Live Event (excluding the Symposium & Leadership Forum)
  • Reserved Seats
  • $500 Airfare Voucher
  • One Night Stay in a Selected Hotel

On the Lifeway Women website, they share the following Live Events set for 2025 (each with multiple city locations):

  • Going Beyond Live with Priscilla Shirer
  • In the Word with Jen Wilkin
  • Feast with Kristi McLelland
  • You Lead

I absolutely love and am so inspired by Priscilla Shirer. She has been in movies, such as War Room (and has a follow up movie The Forge coming out later this year!), a podcast Going Beyond, and many books & bible studies available. I am currently praying for guidance & direction as I consider starting a women’s bible study in my home on her study Armor of God in January. I would love to attend her Going Beyond Live Event in 2025 and excited about this giveaway! Which event are you most excited to attend if you win?

This is a very quick ending giveaway, so don’t wait! This giveaway ends TOMORROW, September 19 at 11:59 AM CST!

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