National Daughter Day 2024 – A Prayer for My Beautiful Daughters

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Today is National Daughter day and God has blessed me with two beautiful daughters that I am so grateful for. 

National Daughter Day

B, I am so inspired by you. Your strength and resilience are such an inspiration to me. Although I didn’t birth you, you are literally my twin in many ways 🙂 I love your wisdom and strong will. I love how sweet and protective you are of your siblings and how much E looks up to you… she counts down the days until you are home. I am amazed daily at how much you’ve grown – to me, you are still the 5-year-old little girl hiding behind the curtain. I have loved watching you grow into the beautiful young woman you are becoming. Your story is going to inspire millions. I will never be able to put into words just how proud your Dad, Mom and I are of you. I love you and forever grateful to be your Step Mom!

E, you are my mini me. Being pregnant with you is one of my core memories that I will treasure forever. You are such a sweet, kind, beautiful little girl. You are growing up so fast – it is both a sad and beautiful experience. I love our special song and snuggles. I love that when I have a bad day and try not to show it, you know anyway & and know that Elf and your snuggles, or a cup of coffee with your “special ingredient” is all I need to feel better. I love that I get to experience Girl Scouts with you and watch as you learn through the badges, camping and more. I love how creative you are! You can make something out of anything! Your little mind amazes me – you are so inquisitive. You always try to do your best. I truly can’t wait to see where life takes you because I know you are going to do BIG things, baby girl! I love you so much and I am so blessed to be your Mommy!

As we celebrate our girls today, let’s lift them up to the one who blessed us as mothers (and fathers): 

“Heavenly Father,

I come before you today with gratitude for the gift of my beloved daughters. They are yours first and I lift them up to you seeking your guidance, protection and love.

Lord, I pray for her safety and well-being. I ask that you place a hedge of protection around our girls and cover them with your grace and mercy. Although you have placed me in her life to help guide & protect her, may she always remember to come to you.

Guard her steps, both seen and unseen, and keep her safe from harm. Protect her mind, body and spirit from all negative influences, and grant her the wisdom to make good choices. May her mind recall your promises daily.

Bless her friendships and relationships, that they may be filled with kindness, love and support. Help her grow in faith, love, patience and self-confidence; and empower her to fulfill the purpose you have already destined her to complete in life. May she be a source of light and inspiration to those that surround her or are impacted by her; and all come to know you through her.

Lord, I ask that you continue to work on me, as her mother and step-mother, that I may fulfil the role that you have positioned me for. Help me continue to provide the love, protection and guidance that she needs and continue to show her your path.. that I may be a living example for you. Lord, I fail daily but you show me grace and I ask that you help me remember to show the girls grace.

 I thank you again for the gift of my girls and ask that your presence be felt with her every moment of her day.

In your loving, holy name I pray. Amen”

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